Odtwarzacz plików audio dla najbardziej wymagających użytkowników.

New in this version:
- New default skin (old skin is downloadable)
- Skin hue and light adjustment
- Auto-mini mode can be enabled/disabled for all skins, with adjustable timeout
- WMA and AC3 support via Media Foundation (old WMA plugin is downloadable)
- Support for multiple tracks in MP4 files
- Support for 64-bit WAV and AIFF files
- GZIP archive support
- Support for #EXT-X-MEDIA tags in HLS master playlists
- Support for event message (emsg) metadata in fMP4 HLS streams
- Taskbar playback control buttons
- Adjustable seeking time step
- Old tracks can be faded-out over new tracks
- A gap can be inserted between tracks
- Crossfade/fade-out/gap track transitions can apply to subsongs too
- Option to disable preloading the next track when not crossfading
- Balance control added to DSP options
- The monitor can be kept awake during playback (for monitor speakers)
- Tracks can be sent to other apps/tools
- Filename and full path playlist column options
- Queue display option in extended playlist
- Shortcut/menu option to move selected tracks to the bottom of the playlist
- Shortcut/menu option to crop the playlist/library (remove unselected)
- Shortcut to play a random track from the library
- Track last play time is when playback ended (not started)
- Library average play count changed from per-month to per-year
- Abbreviated option for library „size” column
- Adjustable nested playlist reading limit
- File deletion can be disabled or require confirmation, optionally to the recycle bin
- Improved drag’n’drop support for moving tracks within XMPlay and to other apps
- Improved edge snapping for skins with padding
- Main and info windows can be snapped together
- Main window can be moved together with the info window
- Info window can be hidden when XMPlay is inactive
- Channel/bpm/speed info in MOD pattern display (replaces time display option)
- The documentation is now online, with context-sensitive help button in options window
- „Input plugins” options renamed „Decoders” and includes built-in decoders
- New „Version” options page showing the version of XMPlay and installed plugins
- Warning shown when assigning a shortcut to the same key as another one
- Per-user config enabled by default when installed in Program Files
- %USERPROFILE% used in playlists/library for tracks in the user profile path
- Downloaded files can be cached in temporary internet files folder
- History (URL/folder/search/playlist) saving can be disabled
- Default playlist (XMPLAY.PLS) saving can be disabled
- Info bubbles use same font size with all skins for consistency
- Formerly sliding panels in skins now open/close with a click
- Improved Wine compatibility for single/merged panel skins (inc. default)
- Archive plugins that crash are disabled (with notice) and XMPlay continues running
- Separate title formatting option for the playlist panel is removed
- Skinning enhancements (see skinning kit)
Version | 4.0 |
Release status | Final |
Operating System | Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 |
Website | Un4seen Developments |
Download | https://support.xmplay.com/files/20/xmplay40.zip?v=44167 |
Filesize | 321,00kB |
License | Freeware |